Employee Details

This menu provides options relating to your own employee details.

Personal Details

Personal You can check your personal details are correct and amend if necessary
Address This lists any addresses you have registered with the company. If you need to make any changes (such as changing your Residential address) click the Edit icon in the Action column on the left. If you want to add a new address, click Add Address on the top right banner.
Phone Numbers This lists any phone numbers you have registered with the company. This option works the same as Address.
Bank Accounts This lists any Bank Account details you have registered with the company. Note that while you can add new Bank Accounts, or amend some existing details, you cannot change Bank Account numbers. Please contact your Payroll department to do this.


This displays a calendar planner which shows employee events such as Leave, Annual Review, birthday etc. Note that Items provides a list of what will currently show on the Planner, including colour-coding. It also lets you remove items from the Planner if preferred, by removing the ticks from the relevant options. If an item is greyed out, this means it has been disabled by kiosk Administration (via Admin | System Options | Planner Items).


This displays Emergency Contacts, such as spouse, parent or Doctor. You can click Add Contact, to add additional contacts for the current employee, or Edit an existing contact. When you edit a contact, the additional tabs Contact Address and Contact Numbers will be displayed. As with the Emergency Contacts tab, you can Add new entries or Edit existing entries.

Change Password

This option can be used if your password needs to be changed. (See Forgotten Your Password.)


Note that the capability to add, edit or delete details depends on permissions that have been set (via Admin | Groups). Also, even if Delete is allowed via permission settings, the Delete option will be available only if multiple records exist (e.g. addresses or phone numbers).


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